Star Wars: The Calm Before The Storm

Proudly Affliated With:

Dolly's Attic

Galactic Unrest

It has been ten years since the dreaded Order 66 was passed down. Many Jedi are dead and countless others live in hiding scattered throughout the galaxy. Each passing day the Empire under the grip of Emperor Palpatine and his right hand man Darth Vader grows stronger. But word is traveling of a Rebellion tasked with bringing an end to their reign of tyranny. Many planets remain allied to the Empire out of sheer terror while others begin to whisper in hushed secrecy of joining this fledgling Rebellion. One that is on the cusp is the planet Dathomir... ruled by fierce Force sensitive Witches under the tutelage of each clan's respective Clan Mother. Some clans fight to join the Rebellion while still others cry for neutrality.

Anstice Ravenheart, Clan Mother of the Frenzied River Clan stands on the side of Rebellion as she has faced the Empire's darkness first hand as one of the survivors of the Jedi Purge. She is regularly at odds with Clan Mother Augwynne Djo of the Singing Mountain Clan over this decision... Other planets face such decisions and others still have already fallen. Correllia, Carida, countless others are in the palm of the Emperor's hand. Where will you stand in this time of unrest? Rebellion, Empire, or Neutral..the choice is your's....and your's alone.

Room Rules :

  1. Canon Characters are NOT allowed...this is nine years BEFORE the Battle of Yavin so most of the characters are either dead, in hiding, or children.

  2. I don't require a character sheet however you must register for the board and leave a little introduction in order to play here. You can find the message board Here

  3. Dathomir is a Matriarchal Society, meaning Women are in power. Men are there for labor and breeding and shall be treated as such. Exceptions are those who have saved the life of a woman in the clan. (Example: Caemos Rho'Marien has saved the life of Anstice Ravenheart on many occassions as such he is allowed to come and go as he pleases.)

  4. Please keep in mind that Jedi aren't exactly popular at this point in time so please consider some of the other great career choices. Bounty Hunter, Rebel, Imperial, Smuggler. Force Users will be allowed but within reason...not everyone in Star Wars had an Affinity to the Force.

  5. ALL DRC rules will be can refer to them Here anyone found breaking Site Rules will be thrown to the Sarlacc by a Moderator.

  6. A proper name is required to chat here... dots, anonymous names, symbols things of that nature are not allowed as they don't give us a chance to get to know you. You will be given three chances to change your name. If you do not comply you will be thrown to the Sarlacc by a Moderator.

  7. Last but not least please keep avs at or around 600 pixels in height and remember that people did NOT walk around naked in a Galaxy Far Far Away so show some discretion. And remember to treat those in the room how you'd wish to be treated. Thank You.

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