University of Naughty's Discussion Series
Discussion 2/22/2009 - "BDSM and
(02:04:45 ®) Wraith's tyme says to everyone:
Welcome to this week's Discussion! The topic tonight is
"BDSM and Hypnosis" and Senoj will be leading the
discussion as well as answering questions based on the
topic, which was also last Thursday's class. PLEASE keep Y/your
greetings and non-discussion related convos to PM so as not to
interrupt. Hope Y/you will stay and participate. ~Thank Y/you
(02:05:03 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to Senoj:
You're on Sir *w*
(02:05:41 ®)
~andrea gail~
says to ‡ dark muse ‡: i think i said
(02:05:47 ®)
~andrea gail~
says to ‡ dark muse ‡: no mine was wrong
(02:06:50) Senoj
says to everyone: Good evening all. Thursday's discussion was
very broad and not a lot of detail because there was so much ground
to cover.
(02:07:30) Senoj
says to everyone: So tonight I want to try and get into more
detail on the aspects of hypnosis that interests you.
(02:08:55) Senoj
says to everyone: One topic that got people's attention
Thursday was using it to have a sub orgasm on command.
(02:09:29 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to Senoj:
interesting .....possibility *s*
(02:09:42 Signon)
enters The Edge
(02:10:05) Senoj
says to everyone: Feel free to toss out ideas or ask questions.
(02:10:50 ®)
says to Senoj:
I am wondering if anything that You have done while the subject was
in a trance...has resulted in any physical manifestations.
(02:11:01) Senoj
says to everyone: One comment that was made was
whether this was worthwhile because you are taking away the
submissive's will.
(02:11:04 ®)
says to Senoj:
trance even
(02:12:09) ~EASYRIDER~ {michelle}
changes names and will henceforth be known as ~EASYRIDER~
(02:12:15) Senoj
says to Wraith: It is possible. The one instance that comes to
my mind wasn't even in a trance, it was a demo to show people how
suggestion works
(02:13:00) Senoj
says to Wraith: It involves imagining biting into a slice of
lemon. Turns out he girl was allergic to lemons and actually broke
out around the mouth.
(02:13:15 Signon) Corum enters The Edge
(02:13:26) Corum says to everyone: Hello to everyone
(02:14:18) Senoj
says to Wraith: So anything that is influenced by the mind can
be influenced, triggered, or altered.
(02:14:21 ®)
says to Senoj:
Interesting...I more meant...if You suggest that the flogger is or ice cold..would the results of these things show up on
the subs body as physical manifestations
(02:15:12) Senoj
says to Wraith: They would certainly "feel" the heat or the
cold. For cold, goose bumps may appear.
(02:15:43 ®)
says to Senoj:
Ah..good..I was merely concerned on the aspect of safety..
(02:16:29 Signoff) Corum leaves The Edge
(02:16:32 ®)
says to Senoj:
I don't want her to have blisters for a week simply because I
suggested the flogger straps are made from flame
(02:16:46) Senoj
says to Wraith: One example, Kay and I were experimenting
with the idea of branding. So we set up a scene where I told her she'd
feel the intense burning when the "brand" touched her thigh. I used
the eraser on a pencil to touch her, but she screamed just as you
would expect when burned that way.
(02:17:24 ®)
says to Senoj:
So in's all in their coin a phrase..
(02:17:29) Senoj
says to Wraith: There was no physical marks, but for months
she knew exactly where that "brand" was
(02:18:03) Senoj
says to Wraith: Exactly. Which is why I like using hypnosis to
explore new edgier territory.
(02:18:10 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to Senoj:
When Wraith comes to my place i generally get Him a cup of coffee
when He enters, if He *suggested* i strip naked before pouring His
coffee every time, would the fact that the curtains were open or that
His kids were with Him , keep me from doing the strip? or would
He has to have a word or something to stop me before i started
(02:18:41 ®)
says to Senoj:
Did You then leave the brand suggestion in her long term memory
and not erase it..and so thus she remembered it happening ?
(02:18:43 ®)
‡ dark muse ‡
says to Senoj:
safer alternative in that case i would imagine ...*s*
(02:19:24) Senoj
says to tyme: That depends partly on you. It would be wise
for him to word the suggestion carefully. Say you strip only when he
is the only one there with you and nobody else can see.
(02:20:26 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to Senoj:
slips that suggestion to Wraith *w* and thank You Sir
(02:20:55 ®)
says to tyme:
I could word at as..only if it is Me..or Me and any of My male
(02:21:13) Senoj
says to everyone: That brings up an important point. People
in trance are VERY literal. You must word things carefully, also the
mind doesn't process a negative very well at all. So it’s very possible
the command "Don't strip in front of the kids" gets processed as "Do
strip in front of the kids"
(02:21:23 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to Wraith:
okay......... that would do it *w*
says to tyme: hopes you're an exhibitionist -l-
(02:22:01 ®)
says to Senoj:
no problem there for Me as tyme is quite literal no matter the
(02:22:28 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to ~angel~:
nope.....not in general, for Him i can be though...
(02:23:02 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to andrea gail:
was He being nice? literal, am i literal? *w*
(02:23:11) Senoj
says to Wraith: But also think through your suggestions. When
you give more than one, they may get confusing, especially if they
are contradictory.
(02:23:30 ®)
says to Senoj:
How long does it take to get someone into a trance ?..or does it
mainly depend on the individual
(02:23:48 ®)
‡ dark muse ‡
says to tyme:
very literal
says to tyme: but we loves you anyway -g-
(02:24:06 ®)
says to Senoj:
Understood...I shall use My words to live by...keep it simple
(02:24:42) Senoj
says to Wraith: They are a lot of different inductions, so I will
talk about them a bit. The most common induction is the
relaxation. It works on about 80% of the population, which is why
stage hypnotists use it for their shows.
(02:24:47 ®)
~andrea gail~
says to tyme: yes and there's nothing wrong with being
says to Senoj: which leads to a question I have, if you are a
fairly reserved person and have issues with noise from people
around you...would this help remove an inhibition?
(02:24:59 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to ~angel~:
have you ever seen hypnosis used on one of your nights out?
says to tyme: no...but I do know there are a few who do it
(02:25:46) Senoj
says to everyone: I'm one of the 20% it doesn't work well on,
whereas my wife is out like a light. For me I have to use a
combination relaxation and confusion induction. All of these take
about 5 to 10 minutes.
(02:25:51 ®)
says to ~angel~:
gonna be a few more if this works..*G*
says to Wraith: inhibitions?-l-
(02:26:30) Senoj
says to everyone: But if you know someone trance easily,
are what’s called instant inductions. I can actually have my wife in
trance in 3 seconds.
(02:26:49 ®)
says to ~angel~:
blonds *Shakes head*....hypnotists
(02:27:25 ®)
says to ~angel~:
Methinks there are far too many inhibitions around already
says to Wraith: -l-..oops -g-
(02:28:21 ®)
says to Senoj:
So then I would have to play it by ear so to speak..from one subject
to the next..until I know them well enough
(02:28:43 Signon) Corum enters The Edge
(02:28:47) Senoj
says to ~angel~: If its something you want fixed, for yourself.
Can't be because someone else wants it changed. Yes you can use
one of the hypnotherapy methods. The Krasner method is probably
the simplest to learn and works very well for inhibitions, phobias,
eating habits, stop smoking, etc.
(02:29:45 ®)
says to Senoj:
Is there a way to hypnotize someone to say...grow hair ?..just
(02:30:07 ®)
~andrea gail~
says to Wraith: lmao
(02:30:28) Senoj
says to Wraith: Here is the super Dominant hypnotists secret.
Subspace = trance, the induction is already done by a good scene.
Just use a deepening technique and viola... much fun is had by all.
(02:30:58) Senoj
says to Wraith: Not to my knowledge... But then I haven't
tried either.
(02:31:09) ~EASYRIDER~ {michelle}
changes names and will henceforth be known as ~EASYRIDER~
(02:31:11 ®)
says to Senoj:
Agrees it would be a boon to be able to get My subbie into subspace
every time Wwe scene..*Nods*
(02:31:47 ®)
says to Senoj:
I see...well..if You do..and it actually works..I'll be wanting to
know how to do it..*S*
says to tyme: awe..look..-g- he’s planning on more hair for
someday visit -g-
(02:32:25) Senoj
says to Wraith: A hypnotist former friend of mine, wasn't
kinky at the time, walked into his first dungeon party, looks around
and says "I get what your doing, but what’s with all the furniture?"
(02:33:46 ®)
says to Senoj:
Chuckles...If I Master this technique I just know I'll have someone
somewhere clucking like a chicken..*G*
(02:33:56 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to ~angel~:
i like His head the way it really *w*
(02:34:24) Senoj
says to Wraith: One of the interesting role-play type scenes I
was reading about is a sex robot. Make the sub move in a mechanical
/ jerky fashion and have to do exactly what you tell them.
(02:34:39 ®)
says to ~angel~:
Uh huh..she says with the chrome dome I look like a 6 foot tall penis
that blinks..
(02:35:12 ®)
says to Senoj:
Oh that's interesting..kind of like Your very own Cherry 2000
(02:35:23) Senoj
says to Wraith: exactly.
(02:35:47 ®)
says to Senoj:
so really the limits of this are only the things the other person would
not do normally ?
(02:36:04) Senoj
says to everyone: If you get into this seriously, you're going to
hear about something called NLP. Stands for Neuro Linguistic
(02:37:25) ~EASYRIDER~ {michelle}
changes names and will henceforth be known as ~EASYRIDER~
(02:37:57) Senoj
says to Wraith: Yes but more complex than that. A lot of
things a person wouldn't NORMALLY do, they'll do under
hypnosis. They just won't do anything that they would NEVER do,
or at least feel very strongly about. The level of trust affects this.
You will probably be able to get tyme to do more than I could for
(02:38:41) Senoj
says to everyone: NLP is the stuff salesmen go to classes to
learn how to do because its how to influence someone without he
need for a trance.
(02:38:52 ®)
says to Senoj:
I see..makes sense
(02:39:07) Senoj
says to everyone: Ever see the Ron Jefferies adds for speed
seduction? That is NLP
(02:39:13 Signon) SK's phaedra
enters The Edge
(02:39:32) SK's phaedra
says to everyone:
*wanders in and plops down on a cushion* evenin A/all
(02:40:36 ®) tyme<
Wraith's tyme
says to Senoj:
what would say Wraith have to do to be able to do this to me?
classes? books? talk to someone who has done it? i suppose what i am
asking is how much work/time would have to be dedicated to doing
just the basics
(02:40:51 Signon) isabella enters The Edge
(02:40:52) Senoj
says to everyone: To me using NLP on an unwitting person is
a bit unethical
(02:41:05 Signon)
enters The Edge
(02:41:30 ®) tyme<
Wraith's tyme
says to Senoj:
so NLP is similar to subliminal suggestions? or is that what it is?
(02:42:13) Senoj
says to tyme: Know those two books I suggested? Get one,
they have scripts already written for suggestibility tests, inductions
and deepening. Spend a couple hours to familiarize yourself with it,
use the book as a reference and there you go.
(02:42:20 ®)
says to Senoj:
would NLP work on a loan officer at a bank ?
(02:42:57) Senoj
says to Wraith: Another dirty secret, tell them to SLEEP.
Then read the book if you need to remind yourself how to do
something. They'll never know
(02:43:32) Senoj
says to Wraith: Absolutely. I swear next time I go get a car I'm
kidnapping my friend Yolanda and making her bargain for me
(02:43:38 ®)
says to Senoj:
Clever..I will remember that..*G*
(02:44:58) Corum says to Senoj: I'm interested in using
hypnosis to soften inhibitions and open submissive’s using to new
experiences. Is hypnosis an effective tool for that?
(02:45:01 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to everyone:
so again Sir, just so all get, You could not hypnotize me to do
something i wouldn't otherwise do .... or at least i couldn't be
*made* to do something i felt strongly against doing?
(02:45:51 ®)
says to Senoj:
tyme's being literal in her questions because she knows what a
I am..*W*
(02:45:56) Senoj
says to tyme: With NLP you try to align you method of
communication with that of your subject, use certain social cues that
imply trust, add a little confusion/misdirection and what you say
slips right past their filters. Watch salesmen closely, how they
purposely do things to confuse you.
(02:46:07 Signon)
enters The Edge
(02:46:25 Signoff)
leaves The Edge
(02:46:32) Senoj
says to tyme: That true tyme.
(02:47:21 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to Senoj:
yes Sir....
(02:47:27) Senoj
says to Corum: I use it often for that very thing. When
someone trusts you with hypnosis they know they what you're doing
is safe, even if the activity you're simulating isn't. Then you can gauge
how they liked it.
(02:47:48 Signon)
enters The Edge
(02:48:41) SK's phaedra
says to Wraith:
*makes a barely appropriate sound at the lunatic company*
(02:49:30) Corum says to Senoj: *nods* I've met subs who
are interested, but hesitant. They need help feeling at ease and
bridging the gap between fantasy and reality
(02:49:44) Senoj
says to everyone: Realizing that subs and slaves are a bit
different. You can use hypnosis to reinforce slave training.
(02:49:50) SK's phaedra
says to Wraith:
*crosses out company....writes comment and takes my jetlagged
self back to quietland*
(02:50:43) Senoj
says to everyone: It is basically behavior modification. Want to
help them remember to conform to new rituals you are trying to
establish, or break a habit you find annoying
(02:51:32) SK's phaedra
says to Senoj:
*raises my hand* does that work with everything Sir? like....not
eating cookies or being able to hold a position for longer?
(02:51:34 ®)
~andrea gail~
says to tyme: bet Scorpios would be good at
(02:51:44) Senoj
says to everyone: However, they have to have the right
mentality first. Hypnosis is NOT brainwashing.
(02:52:44 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to andrea gail:
makes a hypnosis list for you *w*
(02:52:57) Senoj
says to SK's phaedra ~precious puckb...: Yes it does, but I will
caveat that. If I say a position can be held longer because you feel no
discomfort... well you might hurt yourself by holding it too long.
(02:53:31) SK's phaedra
says to Senoj:
*nodding softly* that is true Sir...
(02:54:04 ®)
~andrea gail~
says to tyme:
(02:54:04) Senoj
says to everyone: I didn't mention pain control. But you can
do it. enhancing the pain is ok. However, I won't do pain reduction
even in therapy without a written Doctors permission.
(02:54:35) Senoj
says to everyone: When the person doesn't feel something,
you could be masking a serious problem.
(02:55:08 ®)
says to Senoj:
Have You ever used it to increase the fear in a in blade or
fire play ?
(02:55:55 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to Senoj:
semi off topic...... say a person had an injury and the pain was not
controlled well by other means, maybe the person can't take enough
drugs to deaden the pain......could hypnosis be used to tell the
person, they are not feeling so much pain?
(02:56:29) Senoj
says to Wraith: You can do it, I'd be hesitant though. You'd
to really think the scene through and know how your girl would
react to the fear.
(02:57:06 ®)
says to Senoj:
Understands..wouldn't want her blowing a heart valve
(02:57:15 Signon)
...His all ways...
enters The Edge
(02:57:15) Senoj
says to tyme: Absolutely, go get a prescription from you
doctor first before any therapist will do it.
says to Wraith: sighs thinking of the adrenaline rush on that
(02:58:00 Signon) waif enters The Edge
(02:58:11) Senoj
says to Wraith: I see the attraction. I enjoy using fear in a
scene... partly why I like a good mind fuck. And hypno makes those
oh so much better
(02:59:21 ®)
says to Senoj:
pretty much the next level of mind fuck
says to everyone: perks hearing mind fuck
(02:59:34 ®)
says to Senoj:
like the Matrix
(02:59:50) Senoj
says to everyone: If you do decide to start, there are a couple
things I'll tell you privately... Heh, there really are some secret
things in that Dom handbook now
(03:00:19) Senoj
says to ~medusea~:
do you like a good mind fuck?
says to Senoj: do we all get a copy of that?-l-
says to Senoj: soft nod..very much so
(03:00:53 ®)
says to ~angel~:
(03:00:57) Senoj
says to everyone: officially my hour is up. But I'm happy to
keep talking
(03:01:02 ®)
~andrea gail~
says to ~angel~: you'll have to steal that one...*w*
says to Wraith: is that a no?-l-
(03:02:11) Senoj
says to ~angel~: But if you know this one, then it won't work
on you. Do you really want to spoil it?
(03:02:24 Signon)
enters The Edge
(03:02:24 ®)
says to ~angel~:
Look into My eyes...yes..that's a no..*G*
(03:02:51 ®)
‡ dark muse ‡
says to Neptune:
evening Nep ....*hugs*
(03:02:55 ®)
says to tyme:
stuffs you in My Chair and steps out for a bit
says to ‡ dark muse ‡: *s* evening lovely muse
says to Senoj: maaan...I totally hate logic -l-
...His all ways...
says to Senoj: ~gives You Mav's email so You can send it
(03:03:58) ~EASYRIDER~ {michelle}
says to Senoj: I found it very interesting...thanks for sharing
says to ‡ dark muse ‡: bites your ass since it’s officially over
(03:04:27 ®)
~andrea gail~
says to ~angel~: ~gets within an inch of your face...looks into
each eye~....did it work?
(03:04:28) Corum says to Senoj: Yes, I found it interesting
too. Thanks.
(03:04:35) Senoj
says to ~EASYRIDER~ {michelle}: thanks for the opportunity to
(03:04:36 ®)
‡ dark muse ‡
says to Senoj:
yes ...thank You very much Sir for offering to teach the class and
having the discussion was very interesting ...*s*
says to andrea gail: but...for the sake of
mindfucks...I'll leave the book be -l-
(03:05:01) ~EASYRIDER~ {michelle}
says to Senoj: waits for the secret files....LOL
(03:05:11 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to Senoj:
He wants to know and no i don't want it spoiled Sir, so please
whisper it .... at least to Wraith, He is on His way back already
(03:05:12 ®)
‡ dark muse ‡
says to ~angel~:
*whimpers my thanks * ..*g*
says to ‡ dark muse ‡: welcome..-g-
says to Neptune: soft smyle an hugs..hello Handsome
(03:06:08 ®)
~andrea gail~
says to Senoj: great job Sir....thank You...*s*
(03:06:15) ~EASYRIDER~ {michelle}
says to everyone: Heads to the pillow..Be Safe and Well A/all
says to ~medusea~:
snugs- hiya beautiful evil type
says to ~medusea~: slaps your sexy butt *g* hiya medusea
...His all ways...
says to everyone: ~waves hello to Eeveryone~
(03:06:38 ®)
‡ dark muse ‡
says to ~EASYRIDER~ {michelle}:
good night Sir ..*s*
(03:06:42) Corum says to ~janelle~...His ...: hi janelle
(03:06:46) isabella says to ~EASYRIDER~ {michelle}: good night
...His all ways...
says to ~EASYRIDER~ {michelle}: G'night, handsome Sir....
sweetest of dreams.... ~s~
says to ~angel~: chuckles an hugs..hello freaken sweetness
and lightish type person
...His all ways...
says to Corum: Hello.... ~s~
(03:07:15 Signoff) ~EASYRIDER~ {michelle}
leaves The Edge
says to Neptune: pursssss softly an shimmies her ass as You
slap it
(03:08:09) Senoj
says to Wraith: ok I passed it on to Wraith and he can spread it
as he chooses
says to everyone: softly...good eve Aall
says to Wraith: that kinda sounds like you've the plague now
(03:08:42) isabella says to everyone: slips out as well.
(03:08:45 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to Senoj:
thank You Sir *s*
(03:08:46) Corum says to ~medusea~: hello medusea *s*
(03:08:54 Signoff) isabella leaves The Edge
says to Corum: warm smyle..good eve Sir
(03:09:01) Senoj
says to everyone: Feel free to bug me bout it anytime
says to Corum: hello Corum
says to ~angel~: evening brat
(03:09:20) Corum says to ~angel~: hi angel *s*
(03:09:24 ®)
‡ dark muse ‡
says to Corum:
Good evening Sir ..*s*
(03:09:28 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to Senoj:
and again, thank You so much for doing the lecture and the
discussion, both were great and appreciated *s*
(03:09:39) Corum says to ‡ dark muse ‡: *s* hi muse
(03:09:53) Senoj
says to Corum: In the talk Thursday I noted a couple books
that would help get people started if you want to pursue it. The Complete Idiots Guide to Hypnosis and Fun With Hypnosis: The Complete How-To Guide
says to Neptune: passes that to muse cuz you can't possibly be
referring to me
(03:10:13) SK's phaedra
says to everyone:
*does a big group wave* 'Lo Eeveryone
says to SK's phaedra ~precious puckb...: softly..hello lovely
says to ~angel~: writes brat across your tush with a sharpie
(03:10:50 ®)
‡ dark muse ‡
says to ~angel~:
i am not a brat ....
(03:10:57) SK's phaedra
says to Senoj:
*does a proper lil curtsey* thank You for sharing sorry i
was tardy...tonight is the monthly munch here...and we decided to
have a blizzard too...took me a bit to get home
...His all ways...
says to ~medusea~: ~smiles and waves~.... good evening
(03:11:07 ®)
Wraith's tyme
says to everyone:
A/all can read the Hypnosis Class as well as the others by clicking on
the University of Naughty links on the entry and the bottom of this
page *s*
(03:11:08 ®)
‡ dark muse ‡
says to SK's phaedra ~precious puckb...:
*hugs* evening beauty *s*
says to ‡ dark muse ‡: are you sure?-l-
(03:11:13) Senoj
says to ~medusea~: LMAO at your mouse over. Can I watch?
(03:11:24) Corum says to Senoj: I would like to read an
introduction to this subject. thanks
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