Welcome to the Bazaar of Tor, south of the Cartius river, north of the Tahari, east of the Prairies and Schendi forest,
west of the Volti mountains. A central location for various peoples to come to trade and sell their wares.
Caravans from all regions travel across the land to converge here and make coin on the stock or coffles with in them.
Enter the streets of the Bazaar to hear the Vendors and Merchants claim their stores are the greatest of gor.
Sit and relax under the shaded canvas covered central area and have a meal or drink. Rest in one of the various tents or
enjoy the simple pleasures of the flesh.
The city of Tor is the wealthy and luxurious city of the desert region. It is famed for its splendors, comforts and pleasures.
It is the principal supply point for the oasis communities of the Tahari. Thousands of caravan merchants are headquartered here
and much of the city is organized to support their trade. There are always people from many different cities visiting there on
business or pleasure. The city has two growing seasons which helps in food production. The greatest heat of the summer is between
the Fourth and Sixth passage hands.
The city was constructed in concentric circles, broken by many, narrow crooked streets. The city's water supply is primarily located
in the center of the city. This is the most protected area of Tor. It rarely rains in Tor so water is precious. The water in Tor is
slightly salty and unclear. Yet, many homes have well-watered gardens. The city buildings are generally made of mud brick and are covered
with colored plaster. The buildings are rarely more than four stories high. This is due in part to the city's irregular topography as it
is located on a hilly, rocky area. The city streets are like deep, walled alleys and in the center of each street is a gutter to collect waste.
The city has a large bazaar, a place of hundreds of small merchant stalls vending a wide variety of wares.
Instead of paga taverns, you will find over fifty cafes in Tor. They serve basically the same functions as paga taverns. An extremely expensive
cafe is The Silken Oasis. It is known even as far away as in Ar. In the middle price range are such cafes as the Golden Collar and the Silver Chain.
They are both owned by the same man, a Turian named Haran. Some good, inexpensive cafes include the Thong, the Veminium, the Pomegranate,
the Red Cages and the Pleasure Garden. The dancers at the Pomegranate are said to be superb. The Café of Six Chains is another café but
little is mentioned about it. The Golden Kaiila is known to have gaming tables. Many of the cafes hire children to try to bring people to the cafes.
A child will generally receive a copper tarsk for each customer they bring in.
The city police wear white robes with red sashes and scimitars. Thievery is harshly punished. Male thieves will have their right hand severed
while female thieves become immediate slaves. These punishments occur even on a first offense. Slavery is a major business like in many cities.
The city often buys slaves from caravans and then sells them for a profit to other caravans. In general, they will buy slave girls for about three
silver tarsks. They also pay bounties to their city warriors on women captured from enemy cities. They will customarily pay a silver tarsk for a
comely girl in good health. There is also a municipal slaver who will boards your own slave girls for copper tarsk a day. You can pay extra for that
girl to receive training as well.
The rugs of Tor are very famous and are similar to the oriental rugs of Earth. It can take five girls more than a year to make some of these rugs.
The specific patterns are intricate and passed down through families. The patterns are memorized, sometimes by men who are blind. The rugs are
made on simple looms and the pile is knotted onto the warp and weft. Some rugs may have up to four hundred knots per square hort. Each of those
knots is tied individually by hand by a free woman. Most of the dyes for the rugs are mostly natural dyes such as vegetable dyes, or others from barks,
leaves, roots, flowers, and animal products. Rug makers are a subcaste of the cloth makers but they consider themselves a separate caste. The carders,
dyers and weavers are all subcastes of the rug makers.
Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 39-40
The weapon makers' street was close on the bazaar. The kaiila pens in Tor are outside her south gate.
On the way to the street of weapon makers I again passed the water carrier. His bag on his shoulder was now, again, damp, dark, bulging. "Tal, Master," said he to me. "Tal." said I to him.
I walked to the street of the weapon makers. I was anxious to make the acquaintance of the Tahari scimitar.
Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 59
The Bazaar of Tor is a Safe Zone
The Bazaar is not a Force Capture Zone which means no forcing anyone into a capture or into another room / site. |