Seductive Exposure room is for those who enjoy softcore adult images, viewing or sharing.
Room Rules
- No Drama - This means arguing in public or anything else that may disrupt the room. (Take it to private)
- If someone tells you no, that is what they mean....NO!!!
- Do not harass chatters
- No one under the age of 18 is allowed. 18 or over only!
- Names that are of dots, dashes, or under age names will not be acceptable. This includes dots, single letters, numbers or symbols such as $@^*. You will be asked to change and will be removed from the room if you do not comply.Anonymous names such as "anonymous, anon, guest, curious, newbie, peeking," are forbidden. Choose a proper name!
- No Images of bestility nor Child pornography is alowed. Your IP is recorded in the room logs, Violation of either will result in immediate ban from the site and reported to the authorities.
All chatters must enter Username and Password
If you are not a member then enter anything for your login and password at the prompt.